Thursday, November 12, 2020

November 11, 2020

 Wednesday November 11, 2020

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Slept in until 0700.  The temperature was 39.  Our warm spell is over.  Nancy put on warm clothes and headed out on her 3 mile morning walk.  This afternoon she works at the Gardens.

Today is Veteran’s Day.  Hug a Vet today.  I will ask fellow veterans my standard VD question.  Do you remember your serial number.  Nearly 100% do even after 50 years.

Breakfast and then I put on my pea coat and headed to Panera. Walked into a strong 15 mph wind.  It was miserable but will enjoy the walk home with wind at back.

Ordered my morning coffee and a croissant and settled down for reading the papers and writing blog.  I enjoy my time reading and drinking coffee.  Gives my morning some purpose.

I was right, the walk home was pleasant with wind at my back.  The temperature was 40.

As soon as I got home I hopped in the Fusion and ran some errands.  First stop was the Cascade Twp office.  I wanted to ask about fall yard waste pickup.  No luck because the office was closed because of Veteran’s Day.

Stopped at Chow Hound and bought suet for the birds.  Also bought another suet feeder.  We now have three.  I think suet is the best way to feed birds.  Not very messy and it is easy to squirrel proof the feeders.

Nancy had already left for the Gardens when I got home.  Normal weekdays lunch.  Being Wednesday I did a load of laundry and took out the trash and recyclables.

After chores I took a nice long nap.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.  This week I have achieved 10,000 steps every day.

Nancy got off early from her shift at the Gardens.  They were not very busy.

This and that:

Coronavirus and the Presidential election still dominates the news.

All the pro-democracy legislators in Hong Kong have resigned.  The loss of democracy in China is serious.  Why haven’t democratic countries rebelled against the autocratic Chinese regime.  What will President Biden do?  I would like to visit either Hong Kong or Singapore before get too old.

The UK is being overrun with deer.  They are destroying trees.  Many conservationists are pushing venison as the food of choice.  I can relate to this problem.  In High School strawberry growers in Alpena were given permission to shoot all the deer destroying their new plants.  The venison was given to the school lunch program.  For weeks venison burgers and other venison items were on the menu.  I like venison.  Today the thumb sucking state bureaucrats will not allow venison on a school menus.  Stupid!

Cheerios for dinner tonight.  I had mine with yogurt, cottage cheese and croissant.  Dessert was a vanilla pudding.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.  They both wished me a Happy Veteran’s Day.  Missy sent me a photo of Ltjg Scott in Vietnam.  I sent Debbie several photos of me in Navy uniform.  It was much colder today in MI than Ca.

In jest yesterday I told Missy to take a Veteran to lunch.  She took me seriously.  She sent an Amherst classmate a food gift card.  The classmate was in the Navy.  

Tonight we watched episode 1 Season 3 of Suspects on Acorn.  It was ok.

Cold and windy when I checked the yard at 2200.  Temp will drop to 29 tonight.

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