Tuesday, November 24, 2020

November 23, 2020

 Monday November 23, 2020

Blog time 0900 sitting in office

Up at 0700.  Nancy heads out on her 3 mile walk.  It was sunny with temperature at a mild 39.

I made a quick trip to Panera for coffee and a scone.  At home I had my oatmeal breakfast.  

Headed downstairs to finish yesterday’s blog.  I was almost finished.  However, when I started typing I lost all of yesterday’s work.  I had to start over.  Bummer.

It is now 0910 and I will take a break to go on a bike ride.  

Today I rode 10.5 miles.  I now have a new route that eliminates three traffic lights.  Most of the route is on new bituminous. Safety comes first.  Temperature was 40 with bright sun.  I noted three men running in shorts?  Good grief it was 40.

This and that:

No snow so area hunters have difficult time tracking deer.

Alpena News runs daily photos of deer hunt kills.  I am surprised at the number of kids under 12 who got their buck.  In my youth I think you had to be 16 to get a license.

It is very late in outdoor construction season but a lot of new roofs being installed.  I would not want to be working on a roof during a snow squall.

I had a scheduled Virtual meeting with Sleep Apnea Physician’s assistant.  I got on  Trinity Health’s My Chart and completed the check in but could not go on line because my pop up was blocked.  What is a pop up?

Looked through old photos to find photos of me and Steve with hair.  Found one for Steve and a very old photo of me taken in 1942.  

Set out corn at 1600 and deer arrive within 30 minutes.

Finally Mi certified the election.  Biden is the winner.  GSA released the transition funds.

The Coronavirus outbreak continues to get worse in the GR area.  Hope folks will follow rules during the Holidays.

This afternoon I took a 1.65 mile walk followed by a nap.

We had our standard Monday light dinner.  We watched some of the Shepard Smith news hour before shifting to Netflix.  We watched episode 9 of The Crown.  I gave the show a C-.

It was already in the low 30s when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Snow predicted for tomorrow.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

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