Monday, November 2, 2020

November 1, 2020

November 1, 2020

Blog time 1300, EST, sitting in office

 Today we were up at 0600 EST.  Quickly dressed and drove to Meijer’s.  The store was empty so were were able to make our purchases and get out in a reasonable time.

Stopped at Panera’s Drive Thru for coffee and a croissant.  At home I my standard oatmeal breakfast.

Read some of the GRP before switching to YouTube on the iPad.  We watched Trinity Lutheran’s streaming service.  Good Homily today by Pastor Bob.

I had the entire GRP read in 45 minutes.  The GRP is printed in Ohio so even though yesterday’s UM vs MSU Game was played at noon no mention of the game in today’s paper.  Incompetent!

Today has been cold and blustery.  Wind speeds over 20 mph.  Most trees are now bare.  We even had some light snow.

Lunch and then took another long nap.  It was a pain free nap.  I am now off all pain medication.

Rest of afternoon activities include a short walk.  Walking into the high winds was brutal.  Encountered light snow.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie and cottage cheese.  For dessert I had vanilla pudding.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  Actually we watched political ads with short 60 Minute segments.

We watched Ratched on Netflix before turning in.  This was episode 2. Nancy was so turned off she stopped watching 1/2 way into the program.  I watched the show and gave it a C.

Debbie and Missy called this evening.  We are beginning to envy the Ca weather.

Cold and very windy when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temps will drop to low 20s tonight.

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