Friday, November 13, 2020

November 12, 2020

 Thursday November 12, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Good grief I slept in until almost 0730.  I am becoming very lazy during my forced convalescence.

Nancy headed out to an early PT class.  This morning for the first time in two weeks I did three chin-ups. Felt good and no pain.

After my oatmeal breakfast I walked to Panera.  It was sunny with temperature in high 20s.  No wind so the walk was pleasant.  The ground was covered with frost.

Bought coffee and a blueberry bagel and settled down for morning routine.

This and that:

World leaders are recognizing Joe Biden as President elect.  President Trump is becoming more irrelevant every day.  He should release transition funds and start daily briefings for PE Biden’s team.  President Trump’s legacy is taking a major hit.

Hope the vaccine arrives soon.  Current coronavirus cases are serious.

The Coronavirus in the UK has increased 100 fold the number of folks waiting for over a year for standard hospital treatment.  I hope Dems looking to change our health care look at the problems in UK.

It seems every several years we read about serious problems in Ethiopia.  I really don’t understand the current uproar but it seems tribal.  Are we all tribal?

Tropical storm ETA is creating havoc in the south.  This area has to feel snake bit with the large number of storms this year.

Globalization, immigration and free trade on Trumps back burner.  I hope the new administration addresses these problems.  I am a big supporter of all three.

Every day I put out six corn cobs.  Late yesterday afternoon we had three deer eating the corn.  They also eat from the mineral block.  Of course the squirrels, cardinals and blue jays also partake.

Pleasant walk home.  Before lunch I got in Fusion and ran some errands.

The township is installing a new bike path along south side of Cascade between 28th and Burton.  When this path is completed it will make a great cold weather route to the Y.  It will be much safer than the current route.  Two signal crossings are eliminated.  I check progress every day.

Quick lunch and then headed down to office to continue reading papers.  I recently added the Detroit News to my reading list.  Wanted more Michigan news.

Finished the afternoon with a 2 mile walk.  I look forward to getting back on my bike.   The walking takes a toll on my right hip.  Biking is easy on all joints.

Nancy visited the Doctor this afternoon.  They looked at her wrist and thought it was just a sprain.  Took X-rays as a precaution.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop with rice and a special sauce.  She prepared the meal in the crock pot.  Very good.

Tonight we watched another episode of Suspect.  Nancy headed to bed early.  I watched another episode of my favorite Norwegian Cop show Wisting.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Weather in LA much warmer than GR.  But why not it is November.

November in MI is always dark and gloomy.  Not my favorite month.  During my working days I would be inspecting bridges on a dark November day.  I would take a photo of every bridge and in most cases the flash would go off, even at high noon.  

Temperature in low 40s when check the front yard at 2200.  Rain predicted for tonight.

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