Wednesday, November 4, 2020

November 3, 2020

 Tuesday November 3, 2020

Blog time 1740 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  Nancy has a 0930 Dentist appointment.  Today she has two permanent crowns installed.

I drove to Panera.  Ordered coffee and a croissant.  Sat down for about 20 minutes and read the Alpena New.  

At home I had oatmeal and a banana.  This morning I started some errands.

Stopped at bank and got money for Kim who cleans on Friday.

Next dropped Pea Coat off at Dry Cleaners.

Stopped at Chow Hound to get a salt block and a bag of corn.  They had neither.

Final stop was Ace Hardware and bought a flap for our guest toilet.

At home Nancy had just arrived from Dentist.  We headed out on a trip to Horrick’s.  We bought cabbage and a 35# bag of corn.  My lifting limit is 20#.  Nancy had to help me lift the bag into the car.

Dropped Nancy off and then headed to Meijer’s to buy gas for Escape.  On the way I stopped at car wash.  Gas today was $2.05.  Inside Meijer’s I bought wine, cookies and yogurt.

To unload the corn I got a bucket and made several trips downstairs with the corn.  The corn is stored in a big garbage can with secure lid.

After lunch I took long nap.  Finished the afternoon with a walk.

Nancy worked in a 3 mile walk this afternoon.

Nancy also had a FaceTime conversation with Alessandra.  She was on her lunch break.

Today is Election Day, thank goodness.  Talked to our mail person and she said that the mail volume had a dramatic drop today.  No more political ads.

Just before dinner checked outside and 3 deer were eating the corn I put out earlier.

Finished the meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner.  Also had corn and a croissant.  Good meal.

Missy Facetimed us around dinner time.  Veronica telephoned this evening.  Debbie also FaceTimed this evening.  We were able to get caught up.  The Coronavirus is a pain for the kids in CA.  

We did not watch the news tonight.  It was all about the election.  We have had it with elections.

Tonight we watched another Detective Show set in modern day London.  We both gave it a B.  I stayed up and watched another episode of Babylon  Berlin.  One episode left.

It was still mild, low 50s, when checked the front yard.  Tomorrow the temp might reach 70.

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