Thursday, November 5, 2020

November 4, 2020

 Wednesday November 4, 2020

Blog time 0945 sitting in office.

Alarm goes off at 0615.  Today Nancy has an early Doctor’s appointment, 0745.  They are checking her pacemaker.

I quickly get dressed and drove to Panera.  I bought 2 coffees and a croissant.  Enjoyed the coffee and croissant with my morning oatmeal.

Today is Breakfast Club.  Today’s talk was on the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies.  Ralph Hauenstein was a GR native who during WWII had an important role in Eisenhower’s Intelligence agencies.  After the war Colonel Hauenstein returned to GR and was a very successful businessman.  He founded and financed  the Center for Presidential Studies.  Colonel Hauenstein died in 2016 at age 103.  Good program.

This morning’s early news showed MI was still undecided.  Ballots in large cities, Detroit and GR were still not counted.

Nancy said her pacemaker is working well.  Next check in 12 months.

This morning we made a quick run to Breton Village.  Nancy shopped at Talbots and I headed to Fitzgerald’s and Jos Banks.

Nancy bought several tops and I bought a Merino Wool mock tee at Jos Banks.  During my convalescence mock tees have become my go to garment.

We also made a stop at FreshTyme.  Nancy bought some grapes.

At home spent time finishing yesterday’s blog and reading the news.  The election dominated the US news and UK news.  It appears folks in other countries are fascinated with US Democracy.

Once again I have completely misread the electors.  I thought Biden would win in a landslide.  Did not happen.  

I was disappointed that John James running for Senator did not win.  My only disappointment this election cycle.

The Coronavirus keeps hanging on.  The resurge in Europe is disconcerting.  We might not get back to normal until Spring 2021.

After lunch I took a long walk and then a nap.  

For dinner we had our normal Cheerios.  I also had a piece of pumpkin pie for dessert.

This evening we switched immediately to Netflix.  Watched an episode of London Cop show and then an episode of Vexed.  Vexed is a nice light show which we need occasionally.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok.

Nice and mild when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will be in 40s most of the night.  Pretty mild for November.

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