Saturday, November 14, 2020

November 13, 2020

Friday November 13, 2020

Blog time 0945 at Panera

Up at 0700.  It rained most of the night but seems to have stopped.  Temperature was 41.

My sister, Helen, and brother in law Don are stopping by for lunch today.  They will catch a plane out of GR for Tucson, Az this afternoon.  We will drive them to the airport and then keep the car at our house until picked up by Helen’s daughter Jennifer on Sunday.  Complicated?

No walk for Nancy today. She will be at Costco when it opens.  She is buying pin wheel sandwiches for lunch today.

I did my chin-up and pull-ups this morning before breakfast, oatmeal with yogurt topping and banana.  Grabbed back pack and started walking to Panera.  Oops forgot mask so I had to return home.  

Dark, gloomy walk, the temperature was 41 but the wind made the walk unpleasant.  Light mist.

This and that:

I subscribe to the UK’s The Telegraph.  I like their “pictures of the day”.  Occasionally Piers Morgan writes an article.  I alway read.  He is the UK’s Peggy Noonan.

South Korea is now fining citizens for not wearing a mask in public.  Think it would work in USA?

Finally China recognizes PE Biden’s win.

Detroit and Chicago is under assault from the Coronavirus.

Today is Friday the 13th.  I have to buy a lottery ticket.

Helen and Don arrived at noon.  Costco did not have pin wheel sandwiches so Nancy bought chicken salad.  She also bought scones from Sugar Mamas.  Very good lunch.

At 1400 I drove Helen and Don to the airport.  At home I drove Nancy to D&W.  She bought chicken broth and I got my lottery ticket.  Then I took a short walk followed by a nap.

Busy day so I did not finish reading WSJ or Detroit News.  Will do tomorrow.

After the large lunch I had a light dinner.  Yogurt and toast with peanut butter.

Tonight we had long FaceTime conversations with both Debbie and Missy.  Nice of both girls to let us into their lives.  Everyone is in good health.  GR was colder than CA today.

We watched Republic of Doyle on Netflix this evening.  It is filmed in St Johns, Newfoundland.  St Johns is a pretty community.

I stayed up and watched another episode of  Wisting.  I enjoy the Norwegian winter scenery.

The temperature was in mid 30s when checked at 2200.  Will drop to mid 20s tomorrow morning.  

Helen sent me a text around 2200 saying they were just boarding the Denver to Tucson plane.  Don was holding up well.

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