Wednesday, November 11, 2020

November 10, 2020

 Tuesday November 10, 2020

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up at 0700.  Nancy has an early exercise class at MVP.  I am still in the healing process,  so no exercise except short walks.  Maybe on Thursday I will try a short bike ride.

Before breakfast I shaved and washed up the best I could.  No full shower for several weeks.  

For breakfast I had oatmeal with a banana.  The yogurt we froze was still frozen solid this morning despite being in the refrigerator for 12 hours. 

It was nearly 70 when I headed out on my walk to Panera.  I had to get my lightweight coat out of storage.

This and that:

Record Coronavirus case in both Mi and the USA.  Great the see Panera staff this morning breaking up a large group of folks in violation of health guidelines.  Took some guts.  The group complied.

Looks like Apple will have soon have an operating system for the MAC like the iPhone.  I will get a laptop as soon as this happens. Initial reviews are promising.

The townships, Cascade and Ada, have placed markers at the edge of the bikes paths.  The markers help snowplows stay on path. Sure sign of winter.

The Azerbaijan and Armenia ceasefire is a win for Turkey.  Why is NATO so timid in censoring Turkey.

Good grief will POTUS just stop being so petty.  Firing his Defense Secretary so late in his administration does not make sense.

Pleasant walk home.  Before lunch I ran errands.  Picked up pea coat from cleaners.  I might need it tomorrow.

Next stop Meijer’s.  Replenished yogurt, pudding and sugar fee cookie stock.  Meijer’s was empty.

Lunch and then headed down to the office.  Before settling down I put out corn for deer and picked up cobs.  The deer must be eating the corn after dark because I have not seen any lately.

This afternoon Nancy and I made a quick trip to Trader Joe’s.  We had to wait outside for about 10 minutes.  The kids tell us that in CA they never have to wait at Trader Joe’s.  Having many stores helps.  We only have one in GR.  We purchased several frozen dinners.

Just before dinner I looked outside and saw four deer eating our corn and chewing on the mineral block.  Made our day!

For dinner I had the frozen cod dinner we purchased today.  It was very good.  Also had corn and cottage cheese.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  I checked and I think we have enough episodes left for another year’s viewing.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Wisting. Actually I watched the episode that I slept through last night.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She complained of the cold in LA and we told her of the nice 75 degrees we had this afternoon.  Earlier today I checked the name of the new mascot for Amherst College, Missy’s alma mater.  They are the mammoth.  Annual tuition at Amherst is now $60,900.  Ouch!

This evening we had a huge electrical storm roll through with high winds and heavy rain.  Tonight the temperature will drop from 69 to 39.  Fall is coming back.


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