Tuesday, November 10, 2020

November 9, 2020

 Monday November 9, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy headed out on a 3+ mile walk.  I stayed home.  This morning we are expecting a call from the refrigerator repair man telling us the time he will install the compressor.

The repairman called at 0830 and said “Bad News”.  The compressor was not delivered on Saturday as expected.  If it is delivered today they will install it late this afternoon.

Breakfast of oatmeal and a banana.  The temperature will reach 75 today so I had to get some light weight clothes out of the closet.  Grabbed my backpack and walked to Panera.

Ordered coffee and a croissant before settling down to finish Sat and Sun blogs.  I might need a sabbatical from writing.

This and that:

I like listening to 40s tunes on XM but the station has switched to Christmas tunes.  Good grief it is early November.  

I am so tired of listening to all the Talking Heads on the networks.  Babble, babble, babble.  I sure don’t need or want their opinions.  I think I am capable enough to make my own decisions.  No one likes to be preached to.

Growing up I looked forward to the weekly issue of Time magazine.  Whether in college or the Navy I liked their reporting.  However, now Time Magazine is a left wing rag.  Slanted news and no objectivity.  A curse on Time.

I have the same opinion of Sports Illustrated.  I let my subscription expire.

My parents were big readers.  They also subscribed to Look, Colliers, Saturday Evening Post and of course the Detroit Free Press.

My parents were always arguing about the spelling and meaning of words.  They bought a huge Webster Dictionary and set it on a nice wood stand.  When questions arose they would consult the dictionary.  Mom usually won.  

My Great Grandfather’s 1938 Diary was hand written and the daily entries were very short.  Would GGF if he had a laptop have made his diary entries longer.  I think so.  Handwriting is difficult for us 80+ folks.

Pfizer announce successful tests of their Coronavirus vaccine.  The stock market goes bananas. Great news.  When available, I will be first in line.

Nancy and I watch Jeopardy every evening.  We were sorry to hear of the passing of Alex Trebek.

I am always making grammar errors.  I check my phone’s dictionary often.  Today I misspelled diary using dairy instead.  Typical mistake.

My advice to President Trump.  You lost, leave gracefully.  Is that possible?

The temperature was 75 when I left Panera.  Even worked up a sweat.  Lunch and then headed downstairs for more reading.

Nancy has a 1400 PT appointment.  Got a call about 1500 from Miller Appliance saying they will arrive in 45 minutes to install refrigerator compressor.

It took the repairman over an hour to install the compressor.  We now have a working refrigerator.  Nancy is very happy.  

We had several unopened yogurt packages when the refrigerator shut down.  We put the yogurt in the freezer.  It will be interesting to see if the yogurt will be digestible when it thaws out.

Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

For dinner tonight we had cheerios with fresh blueberries.  

Tonight we had FaceTime conversations with Granddaughter Alessandra and daughters Debbie and Missy.  We once again gloated that it was warmer in GR than LA or San Jose.  

Tonight we watched the season ending episode of Mystery Road on Acorn.  I liked the show filmed in Australia’s outback.  Nancy headed to bed and I started watching Wisting.  Fell asleep about 1 minute into the show.  

The temperature was 65 when checked the front yard.  Tomorrow will be our last day of unseasonably warm weather.

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