Friday, November 6, 2020

November 5, 2020

 Thursday November 5, 2020

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up at 0615.  Well rested.  I think my lack of exercise is why I don’t need much sleep.

Nancy had an early PT this morning.  I had my oatmeal breakfast with banana.

This morning’s TV was dominated by the election.  Several undecided States.  I did take away that the election will be close but Joe Biden is our next President.

President Trump is being a jerk.  He is suing everyone based on no evidence.  Just leave POTUS.

This morning I walked to Panera.  The temperature was in 50s with sun.  Very pleasant.  Bought coffee and a bagel and settled down for some reading.

It is now 1030 and I just got a call from Doctor Lambert’s office.  Dr Lambert is making my permanent upper denture.  They want to make a final inspection of my mouth.  They recommended that I accompany Nancy to their office.  Nancy has a 1230 appointment. 

Got home at 1200 and after a snack we drove to Doctor Lamberts office.  Nancy went in first.  She is getting measured for a nighttime mouth guard.  The only purpose for my visit was to check my mouth and see if I wanted any changes to my new dentures.  I did not.  The permanent denture should be ready in several week.  Happy Day! once installed I can start eating apples and other hard foods.

At home finished lunch.  Afternoon chores included:

Putting protective cover over the deck’s glider.

Going to Walmart.  Today we returned 65 bottles.  Used the deposit money to buy yogurt and pudding.

Put out corn for deer.

Paid bills.

Wrote monthly note to Grandkids and walked to mailbox to post.

No nap today.

This and that:

I can still not believe how much I misread the electorate.  Never would have thought the elections would be this close.

Great to see the record breaking turnout.  In a democracy the more participants the better.

The Coronavirus is returning to Mi.  Trinity Lutheran was gradually opening the church for Sunday services.  Got a notice yesterday that all services have returned to virtual.

Last week we had snow.  Next Sunday-Tuesday the temperatures will reach 70.  Yo-yo temps are not healthy.

The liberal House lost seats as did the conservative Senate.  Maybe the citizens want middle ground.  Maybe the politicians also misread the electorate.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a fried egg sandwich.  Love fried egg sandwich especially with soft white bread.

We did watch the news tonight.  POTUS must have made some inappropriate remarks during his short evening conference.  Mild mannered Shepard Smith was really put off by Presidents falsehoods.

Tonight we watched another London cop show on Acorn.  We also watched the final episode of Babylon Berlin on Netflix.

Missy called last night.  We are poles apart on our political views.  Good news the store’s in Missy’s neighborhood were not attacked.

It was 55 when checked the front yard this evening.  Another great sunny day tomorrow.

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