Thursday, November 26, 2020

November 25, 2020

 Wednesday November 25, 2020

Blog time 1615 sitting in office

I got up at 0630.  Our handyman Randy is coming at 0900 to install the Kitchen ceiling light.  I have to get ready.  Dressed and drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Quick breakfast and then brought up ladder and unpacked the new fixture.

Nancy headed out at 0830 for a PT session.  Our insurance company agreed to pay for the PT.

Randy arrived at 0900.  He started installing the fan and said it was smaller than the original.  GR Lighting gave me the wrong diameter to measure.

I drove to GR Lighting exchanged fixture and Randy installed the larger one.  When he was installing the fixture cover he noted it was cracked.  I drove back to GRL and got a new cover.  Finally the unit is installed.

I was so flustered that I needed a walk.  Put on my rain suit and took a 2.5 mile walk.  It rained all during my walk.

Headed downstairs for some reading before lunch.  Lunch today was yogurt, bread with peanut butter, ensure and two sugar free oatmeal cookies.  Very good.

Memories of the Wednesday’s before Thanksgiving:

The freeways were not completed during my undergrad days at UM.  It was a 6-7 hour drive from Ann Arbor to Alpena.  Most undergrads could not have a car on campus so finding a ride home was a problem.  I did find a Senior who had a car.  His name was Cal Wills from Hubbard Lake.  I would call Cal about three weeks before Thanksgiving asking for a ride.  I was usually lucky.  His car was packed.

If I could not get a ride with a fellow student I would take the Greyhound bus.  The bus was a very long ride because of all the stops.

I remember when the kids were young we would spend Thanksgiving at a Grandparents.  It was about a six hour drive to either Terre Haute or Alpena.  (Freeways were now available) We would leave after school.  The kids were excited about Thanksgiving with GP.  They fussed a lot.  Nancy and I were exhausted when reached our destination.

In the late 90s, the kids were all out of college.  Nancy was still teaching.  We decided we would spend a weekend in an European large city.  We would not travel outside the City but just see the city.  Our first visit was to Paris, next year we visited London, third year Berlin and finally Rome.  

We would leave right after school on Wednesday. Catch a flight to Detroit or Chicago and take an overnight flight to our chosen city.  Usually we would land early on Thanksgiving morning. We would begin immediately seeing the sights.  Left for home on Sunday and would be back at work on Monday.  Great times!

Just noted a flock of 12 turkeys eating in back yard.

At 1500 we drove to D&W.  Nancy had ordered a complete Thanksgiving Dinner for two.  I also bought a turkey/cheese sandwich for this evening.  

Put out corn for deer at 1700 and 10 minutes later three deer arrived.  I made a trip today to Chow Hound to buy another 35# bag of corn.

After our dinner we watched some news.  Later we watched the final episode, season 4, of The Crown.  I gave season 4 a grade of C-.

It was still raining when I checked outside at 2200.  Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive report.


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