Monday, November 23, 2020

November 22, 2020

Sunday November 22, 2020

Lost yesterdays blog so I will rewrite.  Bummer

Blog time 0845 on Monday in office

Sunday we got up with the 0630 alarm.  Today we are making a quick trip to Meijer’s before it gets too busy.  This was the right move because the store was empty.  The downside was Meijer’s was stocking shelves so several items were not available.

Stopped at Panera on way home to get coffee and a bagel for me.  Quick breakfast and then set up iPad in living room for Trinity Lutheran’s virtual service on YouTube.  We think over 300 folks watched the service.

After church I made another trip to Meijer’s to get gas.  Also went inside and purchased naan which was not available earlier.  Also bought a big block of suet and a battery for my bike’s speedometer.

At home put up the suet.  We have suet at three locations.   The birds seem to like suet.  I like it because it is not as messy as bird seed.  

Before lunch I took a 1.6 mile walk.  It drizzled during the entire walk.  Luckily it was a mild 40.

Afternoon activities included:

Short nap.
Another walk this time 1.2 miles.
Read the GRP.
Watched no football today.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with a scone and spinach pie.

The news is so depressing we try to avoid it.  Coronavirus and President Trump’s stupid refusal to admit he lost.  The GOP in the MI legislature should also admit they are coming across as whining fools.

Tonight we did watch 60 Minutes.  Later we watched another episode of The Crown.  Not very good.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched “Sign” a Polish crime show.

It was very mild when checked outside at 2200.  We had a nice half moon.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

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