Sunday, November 29, 2020

November 28, 2020

Saturday November 28,2020

Blog time 1500 Sunday sitting in office.

Up this Saturday morning at 0700.  Drove to Panera for coffee and scone.  

Oatmeal breakfast with coffee and scone.  The scone was especially great this morning.  Simple pleasures.

After breakfast I made a quick trip to ACE Hardware.  I bought two strings of outdoor lights.  Later this afternoon I will put the lights on our deck.

1100 I headed out on a 10.7 mile bike ride.  Bright sun and 45 made for a great ride.  Noted a lot of families out for a morning walk.

At home shaved and showered.  After lunch I put up the deck lights. 

I took a 1.6 mile walk starting at 1500.  This evening I drove to JT’s pizza and got a medium ham and pineapple pizza.  JT’s has the best pizza in the area.  We gave them a call earlier in the week and they were closed.  Luckily it was only a temporary closure.

Watched no news today or I did not even watch any football.  Tonight we watched Jack Ryan on Prime followed by the Queen’s Gambit.  

Tonight both Debbie and Missy/AJ FaceTimed us.  Nancy and I were pleased that both were in a good mood.  

Bright full moon when checked outside at 2200.  Another nice day tomorrow.

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