Monday, November 9, 2020

November 8, 2020

 Sunday November 8, 2020

Blog time 1030 on Monday at Panera.  Why did I not finish the blog yesterday?

Sunday morning up at 0630.  Nancy headed out for a walk.  I dressed and drove to Panera to get our morning coffee. I also got a cup of yogurt.    

At home I had an oatmeal breakfast and put the yogurt over the oatmeal to cool it.  We miss our refrigerator.

This morning we watched the virtual service from Trinity Lutheran.  Because of increases in coronavirus case no in person service today.

After the service I took a short walk.  Left home at 1130 for the Moleski’s.  Today we are having lunch with several book club members.  

Tom and Linda fixed chicken kabobs and vegetables all cooked on the grill.  For dessert we had cheesecake.  Good cheesecake, in fact I had a second piece.  Spent a pleasant hour in after lunch conversation. 

At home I took another short walk.  Spent several hours reading the Sunday paper both in print and online.  

For dinner I had a piece of toast with peanut butter and vanilla pudding.  Tonight we watched some of 60 Minutes.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Once again we gloated that it was warmer in GR than Ca.

This evening I stayed up and watched episode 2 of Wisting.  Love the Norwegian winter scenes.

Very mild when checked out at 2200.  Low tonight will be in 50s.  Warm for this time of year.

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