Tuesday, November 17, 2020

November 16, 2020

Monday November 16, 2020

Up at 0700, it was cold and windy.  Nancy headed out on her morning 3 mile walk.

This morning I did some chin-ups and pull-ups with no apparent ill effect.  Breakfast and then grabbed my backpack and walked to Panera.  Got to Panera and it was closed except for drive thru.  I was told by a neighbor that the reason for the closure was Panera has not been able to get sufficient staff to support inside seating.  

Last night our Governor in a press conference said that starting Wednesday all restaurants were closed to inside seating.  Outdoor seating and drive thru were ok.  She also closed all High Schools and related activities.  Overkill?

I turned around and walked home.  Dropped off backpack and drove to Panera and got my morning coffee and croissant.  

Sat in office, drinking coffee and started my morning routine that I usually do at Panera.  The Coronavirus and President Trump’s refusal to concede the election still dominates.  Old news!

Nancy had a 1200 PT session.  As soon as she got home I put my bike rack on the Escape loaded up the Bianchi and headed to Ada Bike.  Today I am getting the snow tires put on the Bianchi.  This is my designated winter bike.

Lunch and then Nancy and I drove to Meijer’s.  We purchased fruit, cleaning supplies, Ensure, cookies and pudding.  The store was crowded and it looked like folks were stocking up on paper towels and toilet paper.  However, the Meijer’s has learned and limited the amount of critical items that could be purchased.  No hoarding.

At home I resumed my daily reading.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.  Today Nancy walked 12,000 steps and I got 11,000.  Nancy wins.

This afternoon we had three deer in the yard feasting on corn I put out earlier.  Actually there are two groups of deer that visit our backyard.  Usually only group gets the corn.  

Nancy got call from Doctor’s office and they noted a possible hairline fracture on her wrist.  She drove to Walgreen and got support band for her wrist. A new X-ray scheduled for next week.

We had our normal Monday dinner (Cheerios).  Tonight we watched Shepard Smith’s news show and some of Jeopardy.

For our main viewing we watched another episode of The Crown.  I am surprised the show got approval from the royal family because they come across as a group of out-of-touch snobs.  I really don’t know how they still have popular support.  I do like Margaret Thatcher.  She was known as “Attila the Hen” and the “Iron Lady”.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode of Wisting my favorite Norwegian cop.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  Today Missy had a talk with Akerke’s Math teacher.  The conversation was very revealing.  Virtual learning is doing kids no favors.  They should be in a classroom.

It was cold when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Snow possible tonight.

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