Thursday, November 19, 2020

November 18, 2020

 Wednesday November 18, 2020

Blog time 1845 sitting in living room.

Alarm goes off at 0606, today is Breakfast Club Wednesday

It was a cold 24 but with sun.  I made a quick trip to Panera’s drive thru for coffee and a scone.  Breakfast and then headed downstair for Breakfast Club meeting on Zoom

Today we had 27 members in attendance.  Today’s speaker was the Director of the Michigan College Alliance.  This group represents most small private colleges in MI, Albion, Alma, Hope, Calvin, Kalamazoo, Hillsdale, Olivier, etc.  Very good presentation.  I was surprised to hear all colleges are doing well.

Today I resumed riding my bike.  Today’s ride was a comfortable 7 miles.  Felt good to be back in the saddle.

Another first since the operation.  I took a shower.

It being Wednesday I also did normal chores.  Took out trash and did a load of laundry.

Lunch followed by errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim and Grandkids and then picked up bike at Ada Bike Shop.  My winter bike is now ready to go.

Nap followed by 1 2/3 mile walk.  

This and that:

President Trump’s is firing key employees and getting some serious flack from GOP Senators.  POTUS is becoming unglued.  I think I have said that before!

The Coronavirus is going strong.  Our restaurants are all closed except for take out.

I think I have finally figured out when to put out corn for deer.  If I do it before 1400 the squirrels will actually pick up the ears and take them to a hiding place.  If I do it after 1600 the squirrels are gone and three deer feast.

Light dinner tonight, Cheerios with blueberries.  Also had a blueberry muffin.

Tonight we watched another episode of The Crown.  Much better than last night.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Wisting.  Three episodes left.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Her kitchen appliances are falling apart.  Needs a refrigerator and dishwasher.  We told her Christmas is coming.  Missy and AJ are healthy as are Bob and Nancy.

It was very mild when checked front yard at 2200.  Temps will reach 60 tomorrow.  Good grief it is mid November.  

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