Monday, November 9, 2020

November 7, 2020

 Saturday November 7, 2020

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

As I start writing this blog I decided to check what my Great Grandfather Sanborn was doing today in 1938. 

GGF reported that the family had breakfast with the Bingham’s in Alpena.  In attendance were GGF’s three daughters, Laura Bingham, Julia Johnson and Florence Scott.

After breakfast GGF and GGM stopped at my parents to see the new (6 months) Scott baby, Bobby.  

Up this morning at 0700.  Today we walked to Panera.  It was sunny with temps already in mid 50s.  I had my oatmeal with bagel.  Nancy had coffee.

At home we drove to Breton Village so Nancy could make a return.  I was going to stop at Orvis but they did not open until 1100.  It was such a nice day we took the backroads home.

Nancy started the laundry and I spent some time cleaning cobwebs off the outside of the house and garage.  Also swept our lower deck and change the bulb in our lower outside light. Projects that should have been done a month ago.

Nancy checked her mail and found that she had a problem with her Credit Union.  The CU closes at 1200 so at 1145 we headed out.  Nancy got her problem corrected.

For lunch today I drove to Panera to buy a yogurt fruit cup.  No luck, yogurt is a breakfast item and they stop at 1000.  Bummer, headed home and had white bread with peanut butter, vanilla pudding and a bottle of Ensure protein shake.

Spent the rest of afternoon in office.  Stock market up, why? Joe Biden wins.  Trump remains defiant.  It is over POTUS.

Deer hunting season starts on November 15.  Big day in MI.  Usually on the weekend before the season Dad and I would go to his hunting camp, Doctor’s Club.  Most members were in attendance.  Spent the morning getting the camp ready for opening day.  

On this weekend in 1955 after a home football game my good friend Tom Cassell and I were invited by fellow player Lee Powely to drive to his Grandmother’s farm in Gladwin.  Our purpose was to go pheasant hunting on Saturday.  

We got to Gladwin about midnight.  First thing, Lee’s Grandmother treated us with some hot apple pie and ice cream.  The farm house had been in the family for over several generations.  As I remember very attractive. Slept like a log in a big old fashioned bed. 

Grandmother got us up early.  She fixed a great breakfast and packed us a lunch.  We spent most of the day hunting.  Both Lee and Tom got a bird.  I was empty handed.

For dinner Grandmother Powely prepared pheasant with a special sauce.  It was absolutely great.  Next morning after another 3000 calorie breakfast we hunted for several hours before heading home.  Oh! the things we remember.

I did not watch any football today.  Good thing both UM and MSU got trounced.

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  Nancy really misses having a working refrigerator.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of Queen’s Gambit.  It was good enough that we will watch episode 2.

I stayed up and watched a Norwegian Cop show called Wisting on Acorn.  It was good.  The show is shot in December with lots of snow. Rural Norway is beautiful in winter.

Debbie and Missy Facetimed this evening.  It was warmer in GR today than Ca.  

Temperature in mid 50s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Warm weather continues through Tuesday.


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