Tuesday, October 13, 2020

October 12, 2020

 Monday October 12, 2020

The alarm goes off at 0630.  Nancy immediately headed out for her early classes at MVP.  At 1100 she has an appointment with her Oral Surgeon about another tooth acting up.

I did my chin-ups and push-ups before breakfast.  This morning the temp was mild so I dressed accordingly.  The sun does not come up until 0756 so when I left a 0800 it was dark and gloomy.

The recents winds have taken down a lot of leaves.  Once again the Y was not crowded.  Mostly men.  Completed my routine and headed home.  Showered and shaved.

Today I have a 1300 doctor’s appointment.  It is a post op physical to get clearance for my Oct 29 surgery.  No time for the bike so I drove to Panera.

Read my emails, worked on my blog before leaving at 1230.  Dr Kutsche gave me a complete physical.  I am ok.  He also gave me a order for some blood work on Wednesday.

Stopped at Meijer’s for gas on way home.  Gas today was $1.97.

Nancy reported that she had another root canal today.  She will get a permanent cap some time next week.  This summer Bob and Nancy has helped the dental profession survive the Coronavirus.

Lunch and then spent several hours cleaning my desk.  I must have pitched 20 pounds of paper that had accumulated in my baskets.  I have totally rearranged my desk.  Moved the TV from the bedroom to my desk.  

No nap or walk this afternoon.  Monday night so I had my Cheerios.  Also a scone.

I have changed my evening viewing schedule.  No longer watch NBC national news.  Use this time for grooming.  We watch Shepard Smith on CNBC at 1900 for 30’ before switching to Jeopardy.  2000 we turn on Apple TV.  Tonight we watched The Gulf followed by The Sound.  

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She said AJ really liked her zip lining adventure on Sunday.  I mentioned the movie Enola Holmes that Nancy and I liked.  AJ had already seen it.  She also gave it good marks.

It was a cold 50 when I checked the front yard at 2200.  The heavy rain we had earlier had stopped. Temperature will drop to low 40s this evening.

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