Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September 29, 2020

 Tuesday September 29, 2020

Blog time 2030 sitting in den.  Up at 0630. Nancy headed out early for her morning swim.  Chin-ups and push-ups before oatmeal breakfast.

Temp in 50s but sunny.  Rode my Bianchi bike to Y.  

We are almost nearing peak colors.  Saw three sand hill cranes in Y’s parking lot.  

It takes me 25 minutes to do my exercise routine at the Y.  Got home at 1000.  Quick shower and immediately headed to Panera.  Bought coffee and a bagel and headed back home.

Luke the estimator from Verhey arrived at 1100. It took him about 35 minutes to measure up the areas where we want carpet and tile.

Made a trip to Meijer’s for supplies, yogurt, pudding, Diet Coke, wine.   At home had a quick lunch.   

Nancy noted that the condo was cold.  Checked the thermostat and found it was dead.  Called Jacobson Heating and Cooling and they promised a service man between 1 and 5.

Spent time downstairs getting the downstairs prepared for my sister’s visit on Wednesday.  Also wrote monthly note to grandkids.  Notes are early this month because I want them to get to CA before the 4th.  Oct 4 is grandson Lucas’s birthday.

At 1500 started a walk when noted a Jacobson truck.  Turned around and headed home.  Sean, the repair man, fixed our problem.  We now have heat. This is important because morning temps for the next week are in 30s and low 40s.

Took a short nap. 

Dinner tonight was French onion soup.  Also with croissants, cottage cheese, pineapple and pudding. 

After dinner took a walk to post box to mail my October note to Grandkids.  

Tonight we watched 2 episodes of Absentia.  

At 2140 switched to the Presidential debate.  It was embarrassing!  Name calling, continued interruptions by President Trump, you would think when men reach 70 they would have gained some cool.  I cannot vote for either of these men.  A country of over 300 million and this is the best we can do.

About 0200 I looked out on our deck and saw some movement. Turned on light and saw two huge raccoons trying to get to the suet I put out for birds.  I yelled and they ran off.  Checked again an hour later and they had returned.  Tomorrow will take down the suet.  

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  She is trying to survive CA’s heat wave with no AC.  Good luck.

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