Monday, September 28, 2020

September 27, 2020

 Sunday September 27, 2020

Blog time 1300 in office

Both up at 0700.  Nancy heads out on a 3 mile walk.  I dress and head to Panera to get our morning coffee.

On way home Nancy called me and said she got a message from Consumers Power that our power was out.  Estimated time for turn on is1300.

Stopped at home gave Nancy her coffee.  I grabbed my iPad and headed back to Panera.  Bought oatmeal and started reading emails.  Nancy called at 0900 and said the power was back on.

Headed home and set up iPad so we could watch Trinity Lutheran’s 29th streaming service.  Hard to image that we have not been at a real live church service in 29 weeks.  I really miss it especially Communion.

After church we took down two hanging baskets. Sorry to see the end of the growing season.  We still have three pots of Asters on the deck.

Read several sections of the GRP, comics and obituary.  After I took a 1. 75 walk.  Nancy wins she is the better walker.

After the walk I got down my Bianchi bike, pumped up the tires.  Will take a ride later.

Lunch today was the oatmeal I set out at 0700 but did not cook because of the power outage. Also had white bread w/peanut butter and an ensure drink.

After lunch I finished reading the GRP.  Today the paper had a special section on the 75th Anniversary of the end of WW II.  Very interesting.  I was 7 in 1945 and can recall the events of 1945.  Iwo Jima was a major battle in 45.  7,000 US Marines were killed in the battle.  The photo of the raising of the flag on Mount Suribachi is perhaps one of the most famous photos of WW II.  No TV in 45 but we could watch the new reels showing the war when we attended the movies.

At 1500 I headed out on a 6.25 mile bike ride.  It was sunny and warm.  

Showered after the ride.  Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

This morning’s power outage screwed up our menus.  For dinner I had what I usually have at lunch, yogurt, croissant, pineapples and vanilla pudding.  

This evening we had three Sand Hill Cranes in the back yard.  They have been around most of the summer.  I like their distinctive call.  I just read that they winter in New Mexico.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes followed by Call The Midwifes.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Welsh crime show “Bang”.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive report.

It was very humid when I went out at 2200.  Rain expected around midnight.  Cold tomorrow, 50s.

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