Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September 1, 2020

 Tuesday September 1, 2020

Blog time 1520 sitting in office

Welcome to the first day of fall 2020.  It was cloudy and humid when stepped outside this morning at 0700.

Nancy was quickly out the door on her 2 mile walk.  I took my time doing calisthenics.  Breakfast and then pumped up my bike tires and started my 11 mile ride.  My super duper bike tires lose air pressure rapidly.  I pump them up before every ride.

It was humid and cloudy this morning.  Temperature in high 60s when I started.  It is now 78.

This morning I encountered three Sand Hill Cranes feeding alongside the bike trail.  They were not spooked by my presence.   Sand Hill Cranes are a pretty bird.

Shaved and showered before pedaling to Panera.  I counted about 5 folks in the seating area.  Usually before the Coronavirus there would be 30.

Read the Alpena News and my email before finishing blog.  No time for the news today.  I have to be home early.

 Today we are heading to Costco after lunch.  Our old neighbor Sonya is going with us.

Costco was crowded.  Today we purchased fiber, eye drops, toilet paper and Kleenex.  Sonya also purchased toilet paper and Kleenex.  She wanted paper towels but they were sold out. I think every basket had toilet paper.

After dropping Sonya off and emptying the car I took a mile walk.  The humidity was too high for a pleasant walk.

Spent the rest of the afternoon reading.  Read sections of the “News” app on the iPad.  The app provide only headlines from several papers.  I pay about $5 a month to get an expanded issue of the UK paper “The Telegraph”.  I like to find out what is happening in the UK.

I think the UK is more screwed up than the US with Brexit and the Coronavirus problems not being resolved.  Another possible referendum on Scotland independence is rearing its ugly head. Why would Scotland with a population of only 5.5 million want independence?  It doesn’t make sense.  No wonders my ancestors bailed out and headed to North America.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed the codfish frozen dinner we recently bought at Trader Joe’s.  It was very good.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  It was still very humid when I went out at 2200.  Rain expected overnight.

To get relaxed I usually read a book for about 30 minutes.  I usually fall asleep in twenty minutes. Tonight I finished a Sunny Randal detective book.  While reclining in bed I ordered a Ken Follett for my Kindle.  Ain’t technology great.


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