Monday, September 14, 2020

September 13, 2020

 Sunday September 13, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630 this morning.  It was raining so Nancy postponed her morning walk.  She made a quick trip to Meijer’s before church.

I dressed had breakfast and brought my iPad upstairs.  We watch Trinity Lutheran’s streaming service on my iPad.  We sit on the couch and I put the iPad on a small computer table in front of us.

Before the service I made a trip to Meijer’s to fill the Escape up. Stopped at Panera on way home to get coffee for us.

Today’s service dealt with forgiving.  This is a message our citizens should incorporate in their daily lives.

After church spent time reading the GRP.  At 1130 I headed out on a short 7.5 mile ride.  It is the 13th so I stopped at Meijer’s to buy a lottery ticket.  Also bought vanilla pudding cups.  Got home from the ride at 1300.

Lunch and then I took a short nap.  Remaining activities this afternoon:

Finished reading the GRP and the headlines on my iPad.

Took a 1.33 miles walk.  

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I also had blueberries and several pieces of spinach pie.

This evening we watched 60 Minutes.  Finished our evening TV by watching two episodes of Young Wallander.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We both gave positive health reports.

Every evening near 2200 I make a check of our front yard and the garage.  Want to make sure the cars are secure and garage door is closed.  Occasionally I encounter a deer in the front yard.  Everything ok this evening.

I remember when I was young and staying on my Grandparents farm.  Every evening my job was to walk down to the chicken coop and make sure the doors were closed.  Many foxes in area and if they found an open door they would have a feast.

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