Monday, September 7, 2020

September 5, 2020

 Saturday September 5, 2020

Blog time 1645 sitting in office

Slept in until 0700.  Dressed and started our Saturday walk to Panera.  We got 0.6 miles into the walk when we realized we forgot our masks.  Walked back home got the masks and drove the Fusion back to Panera.

After Panera we drove to Crystal Spring’s Golf Course.  Nancy is meeting friends for lunch there next Wednesday and she wanted to make a dry run.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I put on my bike clothes and at 1230 headed out on a 8.65 mile ride.  The trails were busy.

At home I shaved head and face before showering.  Dressed and had a light lunch.  

After lunch made a quick trip to Meijer’s to replenish my pudding and yogurt supplies.  This soft food diet limits my food selection but yogurt and pudding, vanilla and chocolate are filling the void.

Spent the rest of afternoon reading news and checking emails.  It is Labor Day weekend so I don’t want to ruin anyone’s weekend by commenting on news.

This evening we had an early dinner at Cascade Road house.  We sat outside and enjoyed a really good meal.  I had the lasagna and Nancy had a chicken sandwich.  We gave Cascade Roadhouse an A.

After dinner took a short walk. Tonight we watched a movie on Prime.  It was call RED and we really enjoyed it.  

Talked with both Debbie and Missy.  They are surviving the heat in LA and San Jose.

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