Sunday, September 13, 2020

September 12, 2020

 Saturday September 12, 2020

Slept in until 0715 this morning.  I blame my late wake up to our shorter days.  Today we have 12hr 37” of daylight.  Sunrise 0718.  

The temperature was 59 when we headed out on our Saturday walk to Panera.  Too cold to sit outside, bummer.  I had oatmeal,  croissant and coffee.  Nancy just had her morning coffee.

At home Nancy started the laundry. Later she will make a quick drive to D&W to get cottage cheese for dinner.

On Monday the Y opens with strict rules.  Decided this morning to make a dry run.  I will bike to the Y, do my workout and then use a different route home.  At home I will shower and then bike to Panera.  

Today I pedaled 3.5 mile to Y.  The route home was 7 miles.  Total bike time 1hr30”.  Assuming my Y time is an hour and then 30’ for a shower I will be lucky to get to Panera before 1100.  1100 is the absolute latest time for Panera.  Some adjustments will be needed.

Today is Saturday so in addition to shaving my face I also shave my head before showering.  I worry that if like most old men I develop tremors.  A trembling hand will make shaving difficult.  Do I then go to a barber?

Speaking of barbers.  One of the luxuries my Grandfather Hughes enjoyed in retirement was getting a barber shave. 

Spent several hours before lunch putting away summer clothes and bringing out the cold weather clothes.  Also discarded some clothes I no longer wear.  Nancy’s friend will take the clothes and her church will distributes to folks in need.

Lunch and then I spent the afternoon in my office reading.  The election and coronavirus still dominates.  

I did read an article on the Ottoman Empire I thought interesting.  It was about the early Ottomans.  In their time the Ottoman’s were a dominate force in the world.  Turkey’s President Erdogan is modeling his regime after the early Ottomans.  

No nap this afternoon.  At 1700 I took a 3/4 mile walk.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed meatloaf with mashed potatoes.  Also had cottage cheese and croissants.  Good.

This evening we watched a new show on Acorn. It was called Public Enemies.  Kind of grim.  Will watch another episode to see if it improves.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched a Polish murder mystery.  I fell asleep two minutes in.  

It was raining when I checked the front yard at 2200.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  The fires still rage in CA.


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