Wednesday, September 23, 2020

September 22, 2020

Tuesday September 22, 2020

Blog time 1220 at Panera

I bounced out of bed at 0630.  Nancy has a later class this morning so she stayed in bed.  At noon she is meeting fellow volunteers at the Gardens for lunch.

At 0930 the Fall Equinox occurs.  Equal hours of sun and dark.  GR will go from 12 hrs Sun and dark today to 9 hours of sun on Dec 21.  Gloomy

Breakfast and both Nancy and I headed out.  The sun was hazy from the western fire smoke. It was cool with temperature in mid 40s. 

I thought I could smell the smoke. Checked with weatherman at Y and he said yes I was smelling smoke.  Kind of scary.

On my ride today I did not see any turkeys, deer or robins.  Traffic is beginning to increase on Cascade Road, especially school buses.  I did see more road kill especially raccoons.  Is this due to increased traffic?

The Y has been running body fit type classes outside.  They are well attended, 90% female, despite the temperature being in the 40s and 50s. I shiver when I see participants wearing tees and shorts.  

I am about the only person at the Y who is not lifting weights.  Some very hard core lifters.  Several men were deadlifting 350+ pounds.  The folks exercising inside the Y are about 90% male.  Is this the new normal?

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Today I am taking my laptop to Panera to see if it can replace the iPad.

The laptop works fine but the graphics are not as good as the iPad and with no touch screen makes maneuvering cumbersome.   I will stick with the iPad as my preferred computer.

News today still is dominated by weather, Coronavirus and Presidential politics.  I am already suffering from political ad overload.  Stop already!

Got home at 1300.  Lunch and then got in Fusion and drove to Staples to buy another crate for storing clothes.  Maybe I will finally get organized.

This afternoon:

Took a short nap

Paid bills

Took a mile walk.

This evening Nancy fixed a cod dinner from Trader Joe’s.  Very good.

Watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  Watched another episode of The Sound.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode of Welsh Cop show “Bang” on Acorn.  

The temperature reached mid 70s today but at 2200 had dropped to 50s.  

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