Tuesday, September 15, 2020

September 14, 2020

 Monday September 14, 2020

This morning I overslept.  Wanted to get up at 0630 but did not get up until 0700. Nancy was heading out on her morning walk.  

Today after 6 months I will be able to do my calisthenics at the Y.  Quick breakfast and then pedaled the 7 miles to the Y.

It was a cool 52 when I started my ride.  Fall is fast approaching.  Noted several maple trees in full color.  Fallen acorns and walnuts make biking hazardous.  

The Y has all sorts of new rules, masks, 6’ separation and must wipe down all equipment after use.  On checkin they took my temperature and asked me several health questions.

I did my calisthenics and took a 0.4 mile walk.  Total time at Y 30’. The locker rooms and showers are closed.

At home I showered and quickly dressed.  Got to Panera at 1100.  My goal is to arrive at 1030.  

Other signs of fall.  The Alpena News reported on the start of Youth deer season.  Young folks under 16 have two special days for deer hunting.  Of course they must pass a firearms safety class first.  Bear season is also underway.

Arrive home from Panera at 1300.  First business before lunch was to change a light bulb in our hall chandler.  Needed a step ladder to reach the bulb.  Probably not a good idea for an old guy.

Lunch and then ran errands.  I was give new floor mats when I purchased the Fusion.  I put them in before driving to Ada Bike.  I am looking for a simple bike rack for the new Fusion.  Ada bike did not have any racks.  In fact their supply of new bikes and bike accessories were non existent.  Bike shops have thrived during the pandemic but are now having serious problems restocking.

I stopped at Meijer’s to replenish my vanilla pudding and ensure stock.  Also filled up the Fusion.

Spent most of the afternoon reading the news.  I did check my bank accounts and found I had sufficient funds to pay two major bills.  Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed the frozen Cod dinner she purchased at Trader Joe’s.  It was very good.  Also had croissants and cottage cheese.

The weather dominated tonight’s new.  The forest fires along the west coast are the worst I have ever seen.  Total destruction of entire communities.  

The hurricane heading towards Louisiana might create rainfalls exceeding 24” in 24 hours.  I witnessed 18” of rain in 24 hours in Vietnam and the resulting damage. The heaviest 24 hour rain I have seen in MI was 6” and it washed out bridges and roads.

The TV weather folks said that our cloudy conditions today are the result of the forest fires.  Don’t mess with Mother Nature.

We switched from the news to Jeopardy at 1930.  Who needs more gloomy news.  After Jeopardy we watched several episodes of Young Wallander.  

Temp in low 60s when checked outside at 2200.  It will be a cool 46 when we get up tomorrow.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  Lately she has been having a lot of evening meetings.

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