Wednesday, September 16, 2020

September 15, 2020

Tuesday September 15, 2020

Blog time 1717 sitting in office

Up at 0630.  Chin-ups and sit-ups before breakfast.  Breakfast and at 0800 I start my 7 mile bike ride to the Y.  It was cool, 49, but sunny.

Nancy got up around 0730.  Today is her first day back at MVP.  She is taking a Healthy Lifestyle class.

This morning I encountered two flocks of Turkeys.  They must be out getting fat so they can survive the upcoming winter.  They are a fun bird to watch.  Ben Franklin wanted to make the Turkey our national bird.  I agree.

Speaking of birds most of our Robins have either left for the south or are in hiding.  I have not seen one recently.  Talk about a fair weather friend.  Maybe we should make the Turkey our State bird instead of the Robin.

The Y was not crowded today.  I don’t think there were more than 15 folks working out.

After working out I pedaled straight home.  Shave, showered and changed clothes before heading to Panera.  I arrived at 1100 and counted only four folks.  

I ordered coffee and a croissant.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read my email.  Did not have time to read the news because this afternoon Nancy and I have some errands to run.

Left home at 1300 and our first stop was Huizenga’s Greenhouse.  Every fall Nancy buys big pots of Mums to sit on our deck.  We were surprised that only a few pots were available.  Stay at home folks must be beautifying their homes. Huizenga’s had record sales this year.

Next stop was Costco.  We had a big list.  We headed first for the paper towels.  We got the last roll.  Also got peanut butter, mini-naans, chicken noodle soup, dish washer soap and a fleece blanket for me.  Could not find disinfecting wipes or 409 spray cleaner. 

After we unloaded the car and put the plants on the deck I took a nap.  Nancy drove to Harvest Bakery and bought a loaf of her favorite whole grain bread.  My soft food diet excludes whole grain bread.

After the nap headed downstairs to the office.  Paid some bill, read the news and started this blog.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs. I had mine on a waffle.  I love eggs.  Are they still out of favor with the food police?

Tonight we watched the news.  Fires, Coronavirus and hurricanes dominates.  News folks are still going bananas interviewing Robert Woodward on his new book on President Trump.  I don’t think the book contains anything we did not already know.  

This being Tuesday we planned on watching NCIS after Jeopardy.  NCIS was not on so we switched to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched the final episode of season 1 Young Wallander.  I like this show.

Checked outside at 2200 and everything ok.  Temps will drop to mid50s tonight.  Mid 50s are great.  Not too hot or too cold.

Talked to both Debbie and Missy tonight.  The air quality index in CA is almost off the charts.

All the California politicians are putting the blame for the fires on climate change.  I certainly think Climate Change is a contributing factor but so is proper forest management.  

During the depression FDR created the CCC, Civilian Conservation Corps.  CCC recruited young men to work on natural resource projects.  In Alpena a CCC camp was built. It was not unlike an Army barracks.  The CCC workers in our area lived in the camps.  They cleared fire trails in the forest to prevent fires spreading.  A good program.

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