Friday, September 25, 2020

September 24, 2020

 Thursday September 24, 2020

Blog time 1740 sitting in living room

Up at 0545, turned off bedside alarm then turned off outside alarm.  Decided to go back to bed and sleep until 0630.  Did not happen, slept in until 0700.

Nancy headed out at 0700 for a swim at MVP.  Chin-ups and situps and then a quick breakfast.  It was sunny with temp at 54.  

Took the 7 mile route to the Y.  Perfect fall day.  The maples are rapidly turning bright red.  The Y had four separate outdoor classes.  The workout rooms inside the Y were empty.  

I did note that the lifeguards were undergoing some training.  Pool might open next week.

Temperature was near 70 when left Y for home.  Shaved and showered before biking to Panera.

Filled out 23&me health questionnaire.

Almost finished blog when I noted a message saying blog system not backed up.  I did not know what the message meant.  Found out when tried to post blog.  I lost all this morning’s work.  Panera had kicked me off line.  Rebooted and rewrote the blog.

Left at Panera at 1300. Lunch followed by work in office.

Decorator arrived at 1500.  She brought samples for kitchen and living room.  We were unanimous in our selection.  Estimator  will come next week to give us an estimate.

Finally found time to read the WSJ.  

Finished the afternoon with a walk.

Transfer of power after election is the the big news story today.  President Trump must leave immediately after the election results determine he has lost.

Dr Fauci says masks still needed even after vaccine.

China actions in Hong Kong and Tibet show a very repressive regime.  I am surprised Democratic countries have not united to censure China.

For dinner we finished the chicken noodle soup.  Also had cottage cheese and croissant.  Vanilla pudding for dessert.

Nancy looked out our living room slider and saw a deer.  In fact she saw three deer.  The two rapidly maturing fawns and their mother.  We had not seen them in a month.  Great to see they are doing well.

After the news we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  These episodes go on forever and ever.

Noted a bright orange half moon when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature was still in low 60s.  80 expected tomorrow.

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