Tuesday, September 29, 2020

September 28, 2020

 Monday September 28, 2020

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Alarm goes off at 0630. Nancy quickly dressed because she is attending two early classes at MVP.

Chin-ups and sit-ups before breakfast.  It was still raining so I will drive to the Y.

All the Y’s outdoor classes were cancelled this morning.  So a number of participants worked out inside.  I still think the number of folks inside was about 50% of pre Coronavirus.

Today I added a mile walk and a short ride on a stationary bike.  

This and that”

Looks like a nasty Supreme fight is ahead.  I cringe at the prospect of USA citizens having to listen to the politicians grandstanding

The NYT articles on the President’s tax returns do not put the President in a good light.  If you are rich enough you can hire tax attorneys to help you avoid taxes.  Another reason for a minimum tax.  I thought tax returns were private.  How did NYT get the returns.  If leaked by an IRS employee he should be fired.  I do not want anyone having access to my returns.

Armenia vs Azerbaijan fight is serious and could result in regional instability.  Russia supports Armenia and Turkey supports Azerbaijan.

As soon as I got home from Panera I took my Bianchi bike to Ada Bike.  I want a smaller front chain ring to make pedaling easier.  They looked over the bike and said it is doable but there is a two week wait for parts.  I ordered the parts and headed home.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of Cheerios with croissant and cottage cheese.  After the news we watched an episode of The Sound on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched the final episode, Season 1, of the Welsh cop show.  Good ending.

Missy FaceTimed us.  Nancy was already in bed but I gave a positive.  LA is having a heat wave.  Missy has no AC so I hope they can stay cool.  

Temp in mid 50s when I checked the yard at 2200.  High temp tomorrow will not reach 60.

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