Saturday, September 19, 2020

September 18, 2020

Friday September 18, 2020

 Blog time 1200 at Panera.

Up this morning at 0645.  Sunrise today at 0725.  It was cold outside 42.

For the first time in 6 months Nancy is going swimming.  I did some chin-ups and sit-ups before breakfast.  

I dressed warm for my 7 mile ride to Y.  I was comfortable except for my hands.  I wore gloves but my fingers always get cold.  Will switch to mittens next cold morning.

Check in at the Y and did my morning routine which takes about 25’.  Fewer folks inside today than previous days.  They did have a well attended out door class.  I shivered when saw folks I tees.

Biked home.  Decided that I did not work up a sweat so grabbed my iPad and bike to Panera.  Will shower when I get home.

This and that;

Sound advice from experts, wear a mask and get flu shot.

It must be generational, all the fuss about TikTok.  I have never seen it.

The EU is experiencing an uptick in Coronavirus cases.

I will be first in line when a vaccine become available.

Believe it or not but the UK want President Trump to win.  President Trump wants a USA/UK trade deal.  Biden is not a free trader.

Got home from Panera at 1300.  Lunch today as on most weekdays was Light and Fit yogurt, blueberry, with added plain yogurt, white bread with peanut butter, a vanilla pudding cup and an ensure.  

Spent most of the afternoon in the office just reading and catching up.  At 1600 the designer from Verhage Carpets stopped by to look at the upstairs area we want carpeted.  We also want an estimate on replacing the linoleum in the front hall and kitchen with tile.  This is a project that has been on Nancy’s wish list for several years.

I finished the afternoon with a mile walk.  For dinner we finished the chicken noodle soup. Also had cottage cheese and a scone.

Watched the Brook and Shields debate on PBS.  Just judging by the comments of David Brooks a conservative reporter for the NYT, President Trump is doomed in November.

Tonight we watched two episodes of a New Zeeland mystery on Acorn.  It is called The Sounds.  I liked it.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up to watch a Welch crime show I started this week.  I immediately fell asleep and slept through two episodes.  

When I checked the front yard at 2300 the stars were out bright and clear.  Frost warnings are up with temps dropping to low 30s.

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