Monday, September 21, 2020

September 20, 2020

 Weekend update for WE Sunday September 20, 2020

Saturday September 19, 2020

Blog time 1750 sitting in office.

It was a cold 34 when we got up.  Bundled up and walked to Panera for breakfast.  It was cold but the sun was bright.

As soon as we got home Nancy started doing the laundry.  I got on my bike and took an 8 mile ride.  Today I took my normal weekday ride, backwards. It is easier backwards.

It being Saturday I shaved my head and face before showering. I noted a new barber shop within walking distance of the condo. I think I will check what their cost would be for shaving my head.

Lunch and then we got in the Fusion and drove to Pier One store on Alpine Ave.  It has been months since we have been on Alpine.  The traffic on Alpine was much more congested than 28th St.  Wasted trip the Pier One store had closed.

At home took a short nap before finishing yesterday’s blog.  For dinner tonight we finished the meat loaf.  After the dishes I took a .66 mile walk.  

We started watching a movie on Prime.  It was terrible so we turned it off.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Every one is ok.

Clear skies tonight.  The temperature will drop to mid 40s.

Sunday September 20, 2020

Sunday’s blog being written on Monday.  

Both up at 0700.  Nancy headed out on a walk.  Quick shower, dressed before heading to Panera to get coffee for breakfast of oatmeal and croissant.

Set up my iPad and this morning we watched the 28th streaming service for Trinity Lutheran. Hard to imagine that we have been watching church at home for over six months.

Read several sections of the GRP and checked Friday’s football scores for Alpena High and Ottawa Hills.  Both teams suffered big defeats.  

At 1130 for we drove to Tom and Linda Moleski’s for a noon brunch.  Tim Mask and Mary Namey were also guests.  We had meatballs, small sausage, shrimp and cheese/crackers along with wine.  It was good.

We sat outside on a beautiful sunny day.  After an hour in the sun I took off my sweater.  Even got my face sunburned.

Got home at 1500 and took a mile walk.  Only exercise today.

For dinner I had yogurt and white bread with peanut butter.  Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  Watched also some of Emmy show.  

At 2100 Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched episode 5 of Welsh crime show Hidden.  

Stars were out bright at 2200.  Temp will drop to mid 40s tonight. 

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