Thursday, September 24, 2020

September 23, 2020

 Wednesday September 23, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Woke at 0645, headed downstairs and did calisthenics at 50%.  Today BC is again on Zoom.  I was just in time for the 0730 start.  Seventeen members were in attendance.  This is about 50% of normal.  I think Zoom is a turn off for the older members.

Today’s speaker was the Chief Operating Officer for Opera GR. She gave a great speech.  I don’t know what Opera GR pays her but she is worth every penny and probably more.  Opera GR had survived quite nicely during the pandemic.  A lot of innovation, I was impressed.

After BC I hopped on bike and headed to Panera.  No time for breakfast this morning so I ordered coffee, oatmeal, yogurt and a croissant.  Mixed the yogurt with oatmeal.  It was good but not as good as at home.

Read news and my emails before heading back home.  Dropped off back pack and headed out on a easy ride.  Easy ride means no steep climbs.  Total bike miles 9.5.  Great day for a ride.  Another sunny day with temps heading to mid 70s.

Shower and then lunch.  Easy Wednesday so I did a load of laundry and took out trash.  

Afternoon activities:

Short nap

Mile walk 

This and that;

Hunter Biden and his activities in Ukraine and Russia are being mentioned on Fox News.  How soon will NBC, CBS and ABC comment? 

Sad to hear of the passing of Gayle Sayers.  The first time I saw him was in 1965. We were living in Redwood City, Ca and the 49ers were playing the Bears.  Sayers destroyed the 49ers.

Read Ruth Ginsberg’s bio.  Very impressive, a real pioneer.

This month must be dedicated to Women rights.  I once asked my mother why she did not teach after her marriage.  She said married women could not teach.  Nancy’s Grandmother Patton was a real pioneer.  She was a medical doctor.  She was ostracized by men MDs.  The only time she got work was during the World War when all the MDs were in the service.  Nancy’ sister was in the first graduating class that allowed women at Harvard Business School.

I told myself that my teeth and jaw are sufficiently healed.  I had a bowl of Cheerios for dinner.  Tasted great.

After the news we watched what we thought was the final episode of The Sound.  Unsatisfactory ending.  Checked and found out they will add a new episode every Monday.  Stay tuned.

Bright half moon when I checked outside at 2200.  Temp in mid 60s but will drop to mid 50s by morning.  Temp might reach 80 tomorrow.

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