Thursday, September 17, 2020

September 16, 2020

Wednesday September 16, 2020

Blog time 1215 at Panera

Set the alarm for 0630 so Nancy could make her 0730 class at MVP.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  I take it easy on my exercise routine.

After breakfast I took the short route to the Y, 5 miles.  Temperature was 55.  The sun was a bright orange.  Asked a Weatherman at the Y what caused the color.  He said it was smoke from the fires out west. Wow!

Like yesterday I noted several flocks of Turkeys feeding.  They are not shy.  I think that Is because dogs are leashed.  They have no predators and feel safe.

The Y was not crowded.  A sign at the door said maximum capacity 245. Today they had 25 folks max.

This and that:

News report said Pensacola had 24” of rain over night.  Major devastation.  How do you design infrastructure for this event.  The normal standard is the 100 year storm event.  Last night’s rain was well above this standard.

Japan now has 80,000 folks over the age of 100.

Normally on my morning ride down Cascade Road I encounter a steady stream of school buses.  Not this year.

President Trump is his own worst enemy.  If he just said nothing his poll numbers would go up.  The political ads on TV are getting nastier.

Got home from Panera at 1300.  Lunch and then started chores.  Did a load of laundry.  Took out the recyclables.  

I recently purchased a bike rake for the garage.  Today I spent over almost 2 hours hanging the rack.  I am such a klutz.
The bike rack episode wiped me out.  Took an hour nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  She modified Trader Joe’s soup by adding more broth and chicken.  Very good.  Also croissants, cottage cheese and vanilla pudding.

After the news we watched an episode of Wycliffe.  It was a pleasant 68 when I checked outside at 2200.

Missy FaceTimed the evening.  She got a hit on Ancestry telling her she had several first cousins.  I am on Ancestry and did not get a hit.  Conclusion it has be Nancy’s relatives.  Missy did some more checking and sure enough it was the Patton tree.  Missy will continue checking but we think it is probably the grandchildren of Nancy’s uncle or aunt.  

80,000 folks in Japan over 100

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