Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday March 1, 2010

1743: I got up at 0615 and took Ms P out to do her bidness. She had slept through the entire night without having to go outside. In fact she has been doing this for the past 3 weeks. The first day of March and it came in like a lamb. The sun shone all day. I took a 2 mile walk around the neighborhood and found the sidewalks to be 95% bare. If this keeps up I will take my bike to the MAC on Thursday.

It was a typical Monday at the MAC. It was crowded and I had difficulty finding a parking space. I did not get to the Kava House until 1120. I read the DFP and WSJ. When I got home I read my email and had lunch. After lunch Ms P and I took our tax data to Jerry D. After Jerry D we went to the Verizon Store. My phone is shot. I will call Carol Smith tomorrow and see what she wants to do.

This afternoon I talked with Jennifer Dougherty and Tom Mayan. I asked Jennifer how to get rid of the games on my computer. After our talk I played around some more and finally found out how to delete the games. I deleted solitaire and free cell. Tom Mayan and I talked about an employee at Pickett and Scheur (sp?). His name is Al Branhan. Tom could not recall the name. Tom also updated me on how his grandsons high school teams are doing. It is always good to talk to someone who remembers the old days. Notice I did not say "good".

I just took out the garbage and got my 30' in by walking 2 miles. Nancy worked at Meijer Gardens today. Tonight is cereal night. I will miss watching the Olympics. I cannot recall what we watch on Mondays.

2045: There was absolutely nothing on TV tonight. At 2000 I took Ms P out and then came upstairs to finish this blog. I hope tomorrow I can resume filing all the old family photos and memorabilia. Think Spring!

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