Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday March 14, 2010

1902: The alarm was set properly and goes off at 0646. Ms P thought it was too early but I explained DST. Nancy and I head to the MAC for our Sunday swim. Today I did 1500 yards in 42'50". My goal is 40'. After the swim we head to Meijers where I top off the Taurus and Nancy purchases the week's supplies. Gas today was $2.79. For breakfast Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs and today we had the eggs on an English muffin.

I took my Sunday nap and then we all got in the Taurus and headed to the Star Cinema on Alpine Ave. This was a dry run for Nancy's Friday trip to meet a bus that will take her to the Battle Creek casino. We also stopped at a pet store and got some dog food for Ms P. I took a quick 1.5 mile walk so I could say I got my 30' in. Tonight we are finishing the soup Nancy prepared for her book club. We will watch 60 minutes and I will watch the HBO series "Pacific".

I spent some time after dinner inputting some more Sanborn family into the family tree software. The Sanborn family has been in the US since the 1650's. They were involved in the Indian Wars and the American Revolution.

The HBO series started at 2100 and was only an hour. I like the hour format because I would fall asleep if it lasted until 2300. The first episode was good. I said good not great.

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