Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday March 30, 2010

I heard Missy getting up around 0500. She has to fly to Providence, RI for an interview. Nancy and I continue to sleep when we hear Akerke coming upstairs from her room. She was followed shortly by Ms P. We made room for all and sleep until after 0700. Nancy fixed Akerke eggs for breakfast and I headed to the Red Wing bakery to get coffee and scones for us big folks. After breakfast we loaded all the people into the Taurus and headed to Wal Mart. Nancy made several purchases. After Wal Mart we headed to Trader Joe's. We bought wine, 3 bottles of 2 buck Chuck, ginger snaps, soup and other assorted goodies. Yesterday Nancy bought a brick of the Amish cheese we like.

We got home in time for Akerke's nap. Grandpa also took a nap. After the nap I took Akerke on an one hour walk. I think she enjoyed it. Missy would not be home until after 2100 so we decided to eat out. We ate at a bar called Rush's. It was another of Lakewood's great neighborhood bars. I had a black Angus burger with a Blue Moon beer. Again Nancy and Akerke ate healthy. It was very enjoyable.

It being Tuesday means that we watch NCIS at 2000. However, Nancy said she had to get Akerke ready for bed. I watched the first half by myself. Nancy got Akerke to fall asleep by 2030. Missy was impressed.

We waited up for Missy and she got home around 2200. They were having record rainfall in RI but we had a nice day with temperatures in the high 50s. Missy said her interview went great. We all headed to bed at 2230. Nancy and Bob are getting up at 0500 and Missy has had a long day.

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