Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturday March 6, 2010

1705: I set the alarm for 0626 so Nancy could get to the MAC. We both get up and Nancy heads for the MAC and I walk to Wolfgang's for breakfast. I had the hash with eggs. It was ok but expensive compared to Bill's. After breakfast Ms P and I get in the C2 and head to FedEX to pick up my new cell phone. On our way home we ran the C2 through the car wash. Ms P does not like a car wash.

As I mentioned yesterday I plan on riding my AT to Rockford. I put the super duper rack on the car, load up the AT, and head for Riverside Park. The paved bike path through Riverside was snow covered and slippery. I thought it might be localized but the ice and snow only got worse as I headed North. I rode back to the car and came home. I then rode around Reeds Lake and that trail was dry. So I rode twice around Reeds Lake and then around the neighborhood until I had 15 miles. I was so cold after the ride that I took a hot shower and then got between the sheets for a short nap. This time of year I get cold if I ride over 30 minutes. I do not know why because today was a beautiful day with temperatures above 40. I know one hard core bike rider that has the same problem. He gets so cold that he heads to the MAC and sits in the hot tub to get warm.

I got the cell phone all charged up but could not activate it because I could not remember SCECO's fed ID #. Life does throw us some curve balls.

I got a special issue from SI today. It is the Olympics in pictures. SI has great photos. Tonight Nancy and I are taking a coupon and heading to Malarky's. It is located on the East Beltline at I96. It will be a first for us.

2130: Dinner at Malarky's was good. Nancy had the Asian Chicken Salad and I had spaghetti with meat balls. I also had a Blue Moon beer. I like Blue Moon.

Nancy had a long talk with Debbie this afternoon. Missy and Akerke skyped us this evening. On Monday I am going to check into getting HBO just for the Pacific series. It lasts 10 weeks.

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