Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday March 3, 2010

1731: Wednesday is my easy day. In fact I left for Bill's before Nancy left for the MAC. I was surprised but the sidewalks were all clear. It was cold when I left the house about 0730, 23 degrees, but it was above freezing when I left Bill's at 0930. The sun has some warmth to it. It was a great day for a walk.

When I got home I checked my email and called Carol Smith at LSE and told her about the phone. She said get a replacement. At 1130 I got in the C2 and headed for the MAC and a 1,000 yard swim. I was pleased with my time. I set a PB. I had a 1400 GRBA meeting so I headed home, changed my clothes, and headed downtown. We had one issue on the agenda. A bar/restaurant located at the NW corner of Division and Weston constructed a deck on the west side of their bar. The GRBA built a multi-level parking structure within 60 feet of the deck. The owners are claiming that lights from cars in the ramp create a major distraction for their patrons enjoying a drink on their deck. The GRBA staff agrees with the owners. The cost of a fix will be above $100,000. Stay tuned!

After the GRBA meeting I headed for a Verizon Store in Woodland Mall. Guess what? They have no store not even a kiosk, so I visited the free standing store on the mall property. They said they could not sell me a phone. I started to complain and finally they ordered me a phone from their main office. It will be delivered Friday. Nothing is easy anymore.

After I got home I checked out my bike. I was thinking of riding it to the MAC tomorrow. I have a slight problem. I cannot remember the combination for the lock? My sister and I talked several times today regarding closing out Peg's estate. Tax issues are never easy.

Tonight we watched the evening news, read the paper and watched a little TV. TV viewing is not very good on Wednesday evening. I finally have all the family stuff in plastic storage bins. Right now I have to find a place to store them so the Kim can clean my office tomorrow.

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