Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday March 27, 2010

1656: The alarm goes off at 0626. We all get up and Nancy heads to the MAC to pump iron and Bob walks to Bills to get pancake and eggs. It was a very cold walk this morning. I read the DFP while eating and like all Saturday papers there was not much substance. Well I take that back MSU did win last night.

When I got home I wanted to ride my bike on a trail that I had not been on this year. I headed to the Musketawa Trail near Marne. It is a nice ride and with the leaves still off the trees I thought I might see some deer. No luck, the deer must be in hiding. It was a windy day with a stiff breeze out of the east. I was surprised by how few people were on the trail. In the summer this trail is usually crowded. I rode twenty miles. I average 10.9 mph according to my GPS. When I finished I sat in the car and tried to warm up. During this time I used my onstar phone and called Debbie. I like my hands free onstar phone. Debbie is very busy. She has to work tomorrow. She said the temperatures was in the 60s. After our conversation I pointed the C2 home. I was still cold so I took a shower and then a 60 minute nap.

2150: Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Panera Bread. I had black bean soup in a sourdough bread bowl and Nancy had a bowl of chicken rice soup. We both gave Panera a 2.3 rating. After we got home I headed downstairs and got the ice cream and we both had a bowl. Not much on TV tonight so I did a lot of channel surfing. At 2030 HBO ran Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood. I did not watch the entire show but what I saw was good. It was also good to see MV beat Kentucky.

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