Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday March 25, 2010

1409: I slept in until 0640 today. The thermometer said the temperature at 0700 was 57. It felt a lot colder when I left for the MAC at 0900. I finished my MAC routine and left for the Kava House at 1100. It takes me about 90 minutes to read both the DFP and WSJ. The DFP is not letting the ex Mayor off the hook. They reported today that Kilpatrick's family run non-profit had given $100,000 to his paramour. They asked "did they buy her silence"?

It seemed a lot colder on my ride home from the Kava House. Someone said the temperature might drop to 19 tonight.

2118: I did find some time to read all my mail. I also completed the Census form. This morning I broke the liner to my bike helmet. So this afternoon Ms P and I piled into the C2 and started some errands. We stopped at the post office to mail the Census form. Our next stop was Alger Schwinn. They had some replacement liners but none of them fit. My helmet was too old. I purchased a new helmet that was on sale. When I got home I tried on the helmet and it did not fit. In my haste I did not realize that helmets came in S-M-L sizes. I thought you just adjusted the liner band. I was wrong. Once again being impulsive did not pay. You would think after all these years I would have learned "haste makes waste".

Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the perch and Nancy had a Sesame Chicken salad. Not much on TV tonight so we watched a rerun of NCIS. I did not watch the basketball games tonight. It is suppose to get very cold tonight. Nancy just took Ms P out and it was 36.

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