Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday March 9, 2010

1711: Up at 0620 and complete the morning routine including breakfast by 0850. I hopped on the AT and road to the MAC. Today, like all Tuesdays, the MAC was empty. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House. Today's DFP had an article on all the officials from Detroit that are being sentenced this week. The DFP is also reporting on all the troubles of Toyota. Is it payback time?

As soon as I got home I took Ms P around the block. I had a quick lunch and then Ms P and I started running errands. I stopped by the hitch place to see if they sold car roof racks. They said no. We then headed to Kohl's to see if they had some Docker K9 khaki pants. They did not. We also stopped at Penny's to see if they had the pants. No luck. Our last stop was at the bike shop on East Paris and I bought a mirror that I can attach to my helmet. I finished my outside activities with a 1.5 mile walk.

Donni called from LSE telling me that my phone is finally activated. I tested it out and it works fine. Nancy is preparing her soup for tomorrow night. It smells good. Tonight we watch NCIS. I might also watch HBO. Last night I watched an episode of "Band of Brothers". It was good.

2117: We just finished watching NCIS and are heading to bed early. I have breakfast club tomorrow so I must get up at 0535. Nancy has a very busy day. After the MAC she has to work at Meijer Garden and then must hurry home and finishing preparing her soup for tomorrows book club at our house.

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