Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday March 23, 2010

1737: Today I slept in until 0640. All the yard work must have wiped me out. It was cold, low 30s, when I left for the MAC at 0900. I wore several layer, gloves and lined pants. When I left the MAC at about 1100 the temperature had gone up to the low 50s. Today was another bright, sunny day and was much better than yesterday because there was no wind. At the Kava House I again read both the DFP and WSJ. Both papers had articles on the new health bill and how it will impact the average Joe. It is kind of confusing about the time a special provision takes effect. Some provisions don't take effect until 2014 or 2018. Only time will tell the impact of the new law. The only thing we all know is that it is expensive.

The one reason I read the WSJ is because I have a real interest in energy, mining and the use of public lands for grazing and logging. I like to read about these issues and of course I want us to make use of our natural resources. The preceding statement should not surprise anyone. After all my grandfathers never saw a tree they did not like, to cut down.

After a quick lunch Ms P and I had to run several errands. We stopped at the bank and then Rylee's Hardware to purchase GR yard waste bags. Rylee's moved to their new 30,000 square foot store on Saturday. The new store is nice. I spent the next 2.5 hours raking the east side of the yard. Tomorrow I will finish my raking job. Ms P was outside the entire time I was raking.

Tonight Nancy is cooking a chicken breast with baked potatoes and string beans. We will watch the news and then NCIS. I have to get to bed early because I have breakfast club tomorrow.

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