Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday March 12, 2010

1650: Ms P got me up at 0610. She had some urgent issues that were soon accomplished when I opened the door. I followed a normal Friday routine until I was reading a book review in the WSJ. The book being reviewed was by Prof Roger M. Battistella of Cornell. I knew a Roger Battistella who was in grad school in the late 50s at UM. Roger was working on his PHD. I looked him up at Cornell but have not been able to find an email address.

I had some errands to run so immediately after lunch Ms P and I started our errands. First stop was the bank and then the Kava House for a choc chip cookie. We then stopped at the Vet to get some medicine for Ms P. Medicine for a dog is not cheap. I dropped some tax material off at J Dykema, CPA and our final stop was at Mr. Thang's to pick up my leather coat with a new zipper. After all that driving I took a 1.5 mile walk.

I just checked my email and have received a response from Verizon. It looks like I will get my rebate. Tonight Nancy and I are going to the Outback for a Queensland salad.

2132: We went to Outback and both had the Queensland Salad. I had a Blue Moon beer. I like Blue Moon. After dinner we went to Lowes so Nancy could look at some bathroom fixtures and flooring. Tonight we watched the show that traces celebrities family tree. Tonight they traced Emmit Smith's ancestors back to Africa. It was a good show. I just set the alarm so Nancy can make her 0700 class at the MAC and I can get to Bill's for pancakes.

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