Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday March 26, 2010

1607: Yes folks it is Friday. I was super tired and slept in until 0700. It was super cold this morning. The temperature was 19, as predicted last night, but the wind chill was 8. I really bundled up for my ride to the MAC. At the Kava House I had time to read both the DFP and WSJ. Not much in either newspaper. Is the WSJ on Kindle a newspaper?

When I got home I ate a quick lunch and loaded up Ms P to run some errands. Our first stop was Alger Cycle to exchange the bike helmet I bought yesterday for a bigger helmet. Then we stopped at Kentwood Cycle to purchase a rear view mirror that mounts on the helmet. I then stopped at Home Depot to see if I can figure out how to build a kayak rack using my trailer hitch. Not much luck but I think I can use a threaded bar. I will compute its strength tomorrow. It is a simple calculation for a Civil Engineer. Our last stop was Bill and Paul's and I bought a single Yakima cross bar. The second cross bar will be off the trailer hitch.

I checked my email and found that two guys I had corresponded with on facebook yesterday had replied. I think us old guys are beginning to get the hang of facebook. In today's mail I finally got my rebate card from Verizon. I will send it to LSE tomorrow.

2130: I mentioned earlier that there was not much in today's DFP. I was wrong. The DFP ran an article on William Milliken the ex Governor of Michigan. Today is the Gov's 88th birthday. He was a gentleman and a moderate republican. The Governor stated that he is very disappointed with today's GOP. They are the party of NO and brought nothing to the health care debate. He supported health care reform. I agree with the Gov and can no longer call myself a republican and I certainly cannot call myself a democrat.

Tonight Nancy and I drove to Ada for dinner at Schitz's Deli. I had a corn beef sandwich and Nancy had a chicken sandwich. There was nothing on TV tonight. I did watch OSU lose a BB game. I just set the alarm for 0626. I will have pancakes at Bill's tomorrow.

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