Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday March 2, 2010

2124: It must be the longer days but I got up at 0615. This is earlier than most days in February. Nancy left before 8 to get to the MAC. I left at 0850. It was Tuesday and the MAC was not very crowded. Most folks work out on a M-W-F routine.

It was a beautiful sunny day. I had to wear the sunglasses on the trip to the MAC. Our snow is slowly melting. I read the DFP at the Kava House. The paper had several articles on the possible disbarment of several attorneys representing the late Mayor. The depopulation of Detroit is also causing major problems for the City and its school system. The times they are not good. I also read that the classmate of Steve's at UM is running for Michigan AG. He is the son of 1-800-call-sam.

When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. We walked on dry sidewalks. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs and spent the next 3 hour sorting and filing family memorabilia. I have boxes for RHS, RSS, Scott and Hughes families. My mother never threw anything away. My work was interrupted by a frantic call from Nancy. Ms P had a seizure. It happened when she jumped off a chair. We held her and slowing the seizure subsided. She was back to normal in 30 minutes. I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. The great weather is bringing a lot of folks outdoors.

I can remember in the winter of 1942, when Helen was a baby, she had a seizure as my mother was changing her diaper. Mother yelled at me to run next door and get the doctor. I was very confused being only 3 years old. However, I did run next door and the doctor came over. Can you imagine being able to get a doctor to run over to your house on a moment's notice today. If fact who lives next door to their doctor's office. The doctor probably told my mother to make herself a good stiff drink.

This evening Nancy made tomato meat sauce with whole wheat pasta. The meat sauce was great but we will dispense with the whole wheat pasta. We also finished 2 bottles of wine left over from the OHNA TGIF party.

We read the paper and watched NCIS before heading upstairs. I read the GRBA agenda for tomorrow's meeting.

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