Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday March 19, 2010

2100: Nancy gets up at 0600 because today she is going to the casino near Battle Creek. I follow at 0640. Nancy leaves to pick up the bus at 0710. I finish my work at the MAC about 1030. I have a 1200 meeting in GR so I do not go to the Kava House today. I get home and take Miss P out and then at 1130 head downtown. This is my first meeting as a member of the "Grand Rapids Construction Code Board of Appeals". There were 7 members in attendance today. Two members were architects, two worked for general contractors, two worked for mechanical contractors and yours truly. The City provided lunch.

Today's meeting involved an appeal by a five story 100 unit condominium association. The appeal concerned the installation of fire prevention measures and an alarm system. The condominium association was represented by their attorney and an association member. The fire department had several code compliance inspectors. The fire department did a good job explaining the code and their requests. The attorney representing the association was not prepared and his presentation reflected it. The meeting lasted nearly three hours. The Board voted to deny the appeals. The association would have been better represented if they had hired an engineer to present their case.

After the meeting I came right home to let Ms P do her bidness. I then left for a 1640 Doctor's appointment. Recently, during the day I have been constantly clearing my throat. The Doctor checked me out and thought I was having seasonal allergies. He recommended I resume using the nose spray that had been prescribed by the nose and throat Doctor. I had stopped using the spray because I thought it might be causing the problem. I will follow the Doctor's orders.

Nancy got home about 1800. She had won some money so she bought dinner. We dined at Olga's Kitchen. Nancy had a soup and salad and I had soup and a tuna sandwich. I watched part of the first half of the MSU game. I will take Ms P out one last time and then head for bed. If it does not rain tomorrow I hope to finish raking the front lawn. Think Spring!

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