Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday March 15, 2010

2040: DST lag. I did not get up until nearly 0700. The coffee was not made on time because I forgot to change the clock on the coffee maker. I did complete my morning at-home routine without a hitch. Yesterday, I attached a rear view mirror on the side of my bike helmet. This morning was the first opportunity I had to use it. It takes some time to get use to the mirror but I think it will serve its purpose.

I got to the MAC at 0930. It being Monday a lot of old guys who follow a M-W-F routine were there. I spent way too much time talking. I did not get to the Kava House until 1215. I read both the DFP and WSJ. Today's DFP had several articles on competing plans for the Detroit School System. The School Board, which has little power, had one plan and the State appointed financial Czar had another plan.

After a quick lunch I came upstairs and typed a letter to Verizon asking, nicely, for my phone rebate. I took the letter and purchase receipt to the office and faxed all the material they wanted to Verizon. I am very disruptive when I go to the office because I talk too much. I spent at least an hour and Ms P was not happy with my long absence. However, she would have to endure one more stop. I renewed a CD at 53rd bank. The interest rates are very low. I only got a 6 month CD in anticipation that rates will skyrocket by September. I took a 1.5 mile walk when I got home.

Tonight Nancy and I watched the evening news and part of Hardball. Well I really did not watch too much Hardball because I fell asleep. I watched part of House and at 2040 came upstairs to finish this blog before 2100 and the start of 24.

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