Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday March 22, 2010

2047: We are all up at 0610. It is going to be a sunny but windy day. It was still cold when I got ready for my bike ride to the MAC so I bundled up. It is not the temperature so much as the strong wind that makes it uncomfortable. The MAC was busy this morning but I got everything done by 1000. At the Kava House I got the 20 oz coffee because I am going to read both the DFP and WSJ. I get home at 1300.

Nancy has to work at Meijer Gardens so Ms P and I are home alone all afternoon. Today I got the rake out and completed the big section of our front lawn. It was tough raking through all the heavy thatch. I started at 1400 and finished at 1730. Ms P was outside with me the entire time. She was always within my field of vision. It must be her age because three years ago she would have run off. I filled four GR yard waste bags.

Not much on TV tonight so I am heading to bed after I finish this blog. Before I came upstairs I took Ms P out. Ms P was spooked because of all the bird calls and activity. The noise was quite loud. I called Nancy to come out and listen to the birds. This is a sure sign of Spring. I hope you all got your 30 in today.

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