Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday March 7, 2010

1616: The alarm goes off at 0646 and everyone gets up and gets ready for another sunny day. Sunday is swim day so we get to the MAC in time for the 0800 opening. Today I had a PB. I swam 1,500 yards in 42'30". After the MAC, of course, we head to Meijers for our week's supplies. I top off the Taurus. Gas is now $2.77 per gallon. Nancy is having book club this Wednesday so she had to get some supplies for the soup she is preparing.

Breakfast this morning included Nancy's world famous poached eggs and fresh melon. When I was a boy you could not get fresh melon in March. After reading a section of the paper I head upstairs to take my nap. After the nap I walked Ms P around the block and then took a 3 mile walk. It is a beautiful spring day. The mean temperature for this day is 31. Tomorrow the mean temperature rises to 32 degrees. We have 11h 30' of daylight. Spring is on its way.

2050: Nancy fixed hamburgers for dinner tonight. We also had broccoli, cottage cheese and apple cake. I also had some wine left over from the TGIF. We watched the local news and started to watch 60 minutes but it was a rerun. We watched part of Barbara Walters and the Oscar show. Neither was very good. We are headed to bed early. I just started the new Dan Brown book the "Lost Symbol". Remember everyone must still get their 30 in every day.

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