Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday March 17, 2010

1800: Happy St. Patrick's Day. Today is also the 154th birthday of Great Grandfather Sanborn. I remember one St Pat's day in 1956 when an Irish classmate, Jerry Kendziorski, invited several of his friends over to play cards. His mother served us green beer and we had baloney sandwiches on green bread. It was a fine feast.

Wednesday is my easy day so I slept in until 0700. I had several restaurants in mind for breakfast. I really wanted to go to Marie Catrib's for oatmeal and fruit but it was full. I ended up at the Cheri Inn and had blueberry pancakes and eggs. It was good but cost twice as much as Bill's. From now on Bill's has my business. After breakfast I loaded up the AT and headed for Riverside Park. I took the White Pine Trail to Rockford. The entire trip was 22 miles. It was a great day for any outdoor activity. Blue sky with temperatures in the 60s.

When I got home I got out my rake and starting on the planter strip. It took 2.5 hours but I had several diversions. I had to play with Ms P and I talked for at least 15 minutes with each abutting neighbor. This afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens and then she went to a warehouse paper sale.

2120: Not much on TV tonight so Nancy watched "Mercy". I cannot understand that show. I am surprised it lasted this long. Tomorrow is suppose to be another nice day so I will try and get the front yard raked. I do need a couple of rainy days in order to get all the family material sorted and taken downstairs. I cannot move in my office because of all the boxes. I still must figure out a way to transport my kayak. When good weather comes I intend to spend at least 4 hours each day outside. How is that for a plan?

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